General Curriculum
St. Rose of Lima Catholic School follows the comprehensive and innovative curriculum of the Archdiocese of Miami. This curriculum seeks to foster the complete growth of the child: spiritual, intellectual, physical and social. Our goal is to lead the students to become responsible members of the Church and of society.
Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 receive instruction in the following core subjects:
Language Arts (including literature, grammar & composition, phonics)
Spelling and/or Vocabulary
Social Studies
Handwriting (K-5), Cursive Writing - Grade 2
In addition, students (depending on grade level) receive instruction in the following enrichment specials during the week:
Physical Education
- Computers/STREAM
- Media
Standardized Testing
Students in Grades 2 - 8 will take the Terra Nova Standardized Test in March.
Students in Grades 2-8 will take the Assessment of Religion Knowledge (ARK) in April.
The STAR Early Literacy, Reading & Math Assessments are administered to all students in the Fall, Winter and Spring to help monitor student acheivement.
Program Support
Academic events, programs and technological support that enrich the curriculum include:
Google Apps for Education 1:1 iPad Program: Grades 5-8
Interactive White Boards in grades PreK - 8.
- 1:1 iPad Centers in PreK - Grade 5
Accelerated Reader Program (technology based)
Mathletics Program - Grades 2-5
Junior High Science Fair
National Geography Society Geography Bee
Spelling Bee
- Religion Bowl
- STREAM Elective Courses - Grades 6-8
- SOAR- High Potential Learning Program - Kindergarten- Grade 5